
Large Brilliant Shard

Rare / Enchanting

Name Category Market Value Crafting Cost Profit
Name Category Market Value Crafting Cost Profit
5x Essence of Fire
Market Value:
0.95 g
Vendor Buy:
0.16 g

3x Light Parchment
Market Value:
0.70 g
Vendor Buy:
Not available

5x Essence of Water
Market Value:
100.07 g
Vendor Buy:
0.16 g

10x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

5x Essence of Undeath
Market Value:
73.26 g
Vendor Buy:
0.40 g

2x Flask of Supreme Power
Market Value:
319.90 g
Vendor Buy:
0.50 g

12x Arcanite Bar
Market Value:
189.98 g
Vendor Buy:
2.00 g

4x Enchanted Leather
Market Value:
54.98 g
Vendor Buy:
0.20 g

6x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

12x Essence of Fire
Market Value:
0.95 g
Vendor Buy:
0.16 g

10x Mooncloth
Market Value:
99.00 g
Vendor Buy:
1.60 g

16x Bolt of Runecloth
Market Value:
3.00 g
Vendor Buy:
0.80 g

10x Ghost Dye
Market Value:
88.68 g
Vendor Buy:
0.30 g

6x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

6x Rune Thread
Market Value:
0.39 g
Vendor Buy:
0.50 g

12x Essence of Water
Market Value:
100.07 g
Vendor Buy:
0.16 g

4x Ironweb Spider Silk
Market Value:
20.00 g
Vendor Buy:
1.00 g

4x Enchanted Leather
Market Value:
54.98 g
Vendor Buy:
0.20 g

4x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

6x Bolt of Runecloth
Market Value:
3.00 g
Vendor Buy:
0.80 g

Crystal Vial
Market Value:
0.01 g
Vendor Buy:
0.04 g

2x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

3x Purple Lotus
Market Value:
87.00 g
Vendor Buy:
0.12 g

2x Mithril Filigree
Market Value:
25.00 g
Vendor Buy:
0.36 g

2x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

2x Thorium Setting
Market Value:
22.88 g
Vendor Buy:
0.50 g

2x Large Opal
Market Value:
1.20 g
Vendor Buy:
2.80 g

4x Truesilver Bar
Market Value:
0.99 g
Vendor Buy:
0.50 g

2x Rune Thread
Market Value:
0.39 g
Vendor Buy:
0.50 g

2x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

2x Core Leather
Market Value:
0.96 g
Vendor Buy:
0.40 g

8x Bolt of Runecloth
Market Value:
3.00 g
Vendor Buy:
0.80 g

12x Mooncloth
Market Value:
99.00 g
Vendor Buy:
1.60 g

3x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

3x Essence of Fire
Market Value:
0.95 g
Vendor Buy:
0.16 g

Crystal Vial
Market Value:
0.01 g
Vendor Buy:
0.04 g

2x Large Brilliant Shard
Market Value:
0.67 g
Vendor Buy:
3.60 g

3x Firebloom
Market Value:
9.82 g
Vendor Buy:
0.10 g